7 Signs Your Heater Needs Professional Help

The weather is getting colder, so your heater needs to be in good shape. But if you are already having problems with this system, you should take action right away. If you need heating repair in Oak Lawn, IL, you should take care of it as soon as possible, because if you don’t, the problem will only get worse.

But how do you know for sure that you need a system repair? Check out these warning signs to look out for, and if you still have questions, feel free to talk to one of our professional technicians.

Things to Look Out For

Is your heater giving you trouble? Keep an eye out for these signs that your system needs to be fixed.

  1. Poor heating: If your heater can’t make heat, this is the most obvious sign that something is wrong. I’ve heard that something that can’t do its main job needs help, if not a whole new one.
  2. Less air coming out of your heating system: Have you noticed that less air is coming out than usual? If so, it could mean that there is a problem with your ductwork, your blower fan, or something else that is stopping air from moving through the heater.
  3. High bills for power: Your energy bill going up for no reason is another sign that something is wrong. If the way you use your system hasn’t changed but your monthly electricity bills are going up, then something is stopping your system from working as well as it could.
  4. Have you noticed that your heater is making more noise lately? New noises like rattling, banging, hissing, screeching, and other sounds should be a cause for concern. Most of the time, a heater that is making new sounds needs to be fixed.
  5. Strange smells: You’ve started to notice that when you turn on your heating system, the house starts to smell. Maybe it smells like old socks or like something is burning. In either case, it means you need to get your heating fixed right away. On the other hand, if you smell sulfur, it could mean that your gas line is leaking. If this is the case, turn off your system, call your local emergency services to see what’s going on, and schedule a repair as soon as you can. This can be a very dangerous situation!
  6. Short rides on a bike or nonstop runs: Has your heater been turning on and off in strange ways lately? When a heater turns on but only runs for a few minutes before turning off again, this is called “short cycling.” On the other hand, your heater might never turn off unless you turn it off yourself. In either of these cases, your system has a problem that needs to be fixed by a professional.
  7. Unresponsiveness: Finally, don’t put off getting your system fixed if it seems like your heater wants to ignore you most of the time. A heater that doesn’t work needs either major repairs or a new one.

Call Oak Lawn HVAC the next time you need to fix your heating system. We have answers for every time of year.