How to Stop Mold from Growing in the Bathroom

Any area of the bathroom can support the growth of mold; it usually occurs in crevices and crannies but can also appear on the tiles. High humidity is the most frequent reason for mold formation in toilets, although other factors including poor hygiene can also contribute. 

The areas around the shower, toilet, pipes, and any surfaces exposed to water, such as the tiles, walls, and floor, are the places in a bathroom where humidity tends to gather quickly. What steps may be taken to stop mildew from growing in the bathroom? In addition to following certain fundamental safety precautions, it is crucial to do thorough cleanings frequently.

What to Look for If You Think the Bathroom Has Mold

In reality, whether there are only a few mold spores or they are just starting to grow, we can detect their presence based on the stench they give off. Mold is not always immediately apparent. It’s also a good idea to inspect the tiles because a porous layer might form in the space between them.

How to Avoid Acquiring Mold in the Bathroom

It’s crucial to maintain a low relative humidity level in order to stop the growth of mold. Because of this, several safety precautions must be observed:

  1. While you’re there cleaning the other rooms of the house, make sure there are no leaks in the bathroom.
  2. All hard surfaces, including floor and wall tiles, must be cleaned and then dried.
  3. Any soft surfaces, like the shower curtain, should be cleaned on a regular basis.
  4. To reduce the quantity of water that gets on the floor and the walls while taking a shower, make sure the curtain or door to the shower cubicle is fully drawn back and closed.
  5. Make sure the bathroom has enough ventilation by keeping the doors and windows open after each shower.
  6. Cleaning and drying the space once your shower is complete is a good idea.
  7. The mats and towels should be hung outside so they can get some fresh air before being brought inside to be rearranged after they are no longer moist.
  8. Install a vent fan that turns on when you’re taking a shower.

Cleaning Up the Bathroom After Finding Mold

It is not always essential to remove the mold by using conventional detergents that can be bought in stores. The effectiveness of some natural medications has been demonstrated to be on par with that of their synthetic counterparts, and they also have the added benefit of not harming the environment.

  • Use a toothbrush dipped in a solution made of half a lemon’s juice, 100 milliliters of vinegar, and 250 milliliters of water to remove any mold that you see growing in cracks and other spots. If the mold doesn’t give up quickly, try adding baking soda.
  • Regularly wash the shower curtain in the washing machine with a solution of one cup each of baking soda and white vinegar. If it’s plastic, it’s recommended to soak it for a while in the water that contains detergent and vinegar in this particular case. Before starting the assembly, make sure it is thoroughly dry.